The Daily WTF
Sometimes, you want your dates to look like this: 3/3/2019. Other times, you want them to look like this: 03/03/2019.
There are plenty of wrong ways to do this. There are far fewer right ways to do it, and they mostly boil down to “use your language’s date library.”
And then there’s this, which “QuakePhil” found.
function convertSingleDigitMonthOrDayToTwoDigitMonthOrDay($date) { $month = ”; $day = ”; $secondChar = substr($date, 1, 1); $thirdChar = substr($date, 2, 1); $fourthChar = substr($date, 3, 1); $fifthChar = substr($date, 4, 1); if ($secondChar === ‘/’) { $month = ‘0’ . substr($date, 0, 2); } else if ($secondChar !== ‘/’) { $month = substr($date, 0, 3); } if ($thirdChar === ‘/’ && $fifthChar === ‘/’) { $day = ‘0’ . substr($date, 1, 2); } else if ($secondChar === ‘/’ && $fourthChar === ‘/’) { $day = ‘0’ . $thirdChar . ‘/’; } else if ($secondChar
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