CodeSOD: Null Thought

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The Daily WTF

These days, it almost seems like most of the developers writing code for the Java Virtual Machine aren’t doing it in Java. It’s honestly an interesting thing for programming language development, as more and more folks put together languages with fundamentally different principles from Java that still work on the JVM.

Like Kotlin. Kotlin blends functional programming styles with object-oriented principles and syntactic features built around writing more compact, concise code than equivalent Java. And it’s not even limited to Java- it can compile down into JavaScript or even target LLVM.

And since you can write bad code in any language, you can write bad code in Kotlin. Keith inherited a Kotlin-developed Android app.

In Kotlin, if you wanted to execute some code specifically if a previous step failed, you might use a try/catch exception handler. It’s built into Kotlin. But maybe you want to do some sort of error

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