The Daily WTF
“For my sins,” John writes, “I’m working on a SharePoint 2010 migration.”
This tells us that John has committed a lot of sins. But not as many as one of his coworkers.
Since they were running a farm of SharePoint servers, they needed to know what was actually running, which was quite different from the documentation which told them what was supposed to be running. John’s coworker did some googling, some copy-and-pasting, some minor revisions of their own, and produced this wad of PowerShell scripting which does produce the correct output.
# there could be more than one search service, so this code is wrapped in a for loop with $tempCnt as the loop variable $cmdstr = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchCrawlContentSource -SearchApplication $searchServiceAppIds[$tempCnt] | Select Id | ft -HideTableHeaders | Out-String -Width 1000 $cmdstr = $cmdstr.Trim().Split(“`n”) for($i = 0; $i -lt $cmdstr.Length ; $i++) { $cmdstr2 = $cmdstr[$i].Trim() $searchServiceAppID = $searchServiceAppIds[$tempCnt] $tempXML =
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