The Daily WTF
Alex had the misfortune to work on the kind of application which has forms with gigantic piles of fields, stuffed haphazardly into objects. A single form could easily have fifty or sixty fields for the user to interact with.
That leads to C# code like this:
private static String getPrefix(AV_Suchfilter filter) { String pr = String.Empty; try { int maxLength = 0; if (filter.Angebots_id != null) { maxLength = getmaxLength(maxLength, AV_MessagesTexte.Reportliste_sf_angebotsID.Length); } if (filter.InternesKennzeichen != null) { if (filter.InternesKennzeichen.Trim() != String.Empty) { maxLength = getmaxLength(maxLength, AV_MessagesTexte.Reportliste_sf_internesKennzeichen.Length); } } if (filter.Angebotsverantwortlicher_guid != null) { maxLength = getmaxLength(maxLength, AV_MessagesTexte.Reportliste_sf_angebotsverantwortlicher.Length); } // Do this another 50 times…. // and then …. int counter = 0; while (counter < maxLength) { pr += ” “; counter++; } } catch (Exception error) { ErrorForm frm = new ErrorForm(error); frm.ShowDialog(); } return pr; }
The “Do this another 50 times” is doing a lot
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