The Daily WTF
Christopher started a new job as a “full-stack” developer. Unfortunately, most of the developers are still on the “why do you need anything other than jQuery” school of front-end development, despite efforts to transition their UIs to Vue.
This meant that Christopher didn’t do much backend, and ended up being the mid-level front-end dev, in practice if not in job title.
One of the Vue components was a “Wizard” style component, which was designed to be highly configurable. You supply a JSON description of the Wizard process, and it would generate the UI to navigate you screen-by-screen. Since Christopher was new at the organization, he wanted to understand how the Wizard worked, so he started poking at the code.
He got as far as the stepBack function before deciding he needed to rewrite it from scratch. Christopher assumed that stepBack could be as simple as popping the last element off
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