The Daily WTF
We’ve all been watching programming gaffes come and go, and they’re almost always some variation on a set of usual themes I’ve been trying to classify and name. But today, we’ve got one for you that is amazingly, excitingly, fabulously novel! I’m calling this one ecrash unless somebody’s got a better idea.
Not to keep you waiting any longer than absolutely necessary, here’s Ian M. with this week’s winner: “I don’t even know how you do search like this, it’s somehow both way more complicated and way more unsettling then it needs to be.”
I know. Let’s take a moment of silence and pause to recover from that before rushing into something more lighthearted.
A frist submission from a Long Time Lurker leaks some medical history but that’s okay. “I was pleased to see that back in the old days, a hospital visit cost $0.”
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