The Daily WTF
Today JP wrote in to proudly unsmirch the Finnish reputation. “Some time ago, you blamed the Finns for strange patterns on Valts’s weather map. I am delighted to report that the *real* culprit is revealed when carefully examining the Finnish Meteorological Institute’s weather map of the whole of Europe.” I stand corrected, JP.
Disordered Warren B. demands “Can someone explain to me the sorting logic that Redgate SQL Compare used to sort these table names? Note that most databases ignore case in table names.”
His Majesty’s Loyal(?) Subject Neil T. gloats “I can’t wait to join 0 other households in earning £0 every quarter.” We’re gonna be so rich!!
Particular Daniel D. has got a peeve for us. “GoDaddy have been sending these emails forever, but this miswording always hits me. This must affect millions of customers, where they need to stop and
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