The Daily WTF
Hugops to Feedly who seem to have run into a snag this week.
Feeder Brent N. fretted “Seems feedly’s update isn’t going well, with only 21 of 3 hours left to go.”
Emil L. snarked “Shopping for a washing machine with the Swedish firm Elgiganten. Still waiting for Kim to inform me about that not so hidden field among the product details” I suspect this could be an unexpected outcome of a monolingual member in a polyglot team.
Big Spender Cole T. flexes his wallet, look! “PayPal apparently doesn’t place a limit on how big your donations can be. Also, using exponential notation for monetary values should be a crime.” Agreed, especially if you’re not going to use a reasonable depth of precision. 3.0e22 is the proper figure!
Vriend Wouter writes “Localizing legal texts, when organizing a competition for example,
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