Error’d: In the fullness of time.

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The Daily WTF

Regulargle Argle garbles “It’s an advertisement. At least… it says so.” Hey, if you can’t believe advertisements, what can you believe?

Time-traveling Kiwi Paul M. shares an adventure: “Notice the date in the menu bar. Presumably the covid passenger had booked a return sailing.” Mumble mumble something international date line iwishalltimestampsincludedthebloodytimezone.

Yodeller Tom H. mutters “I look forward to receiving my parcel in n days time”.

Opportunist Jeremy A. is being driven to a state of madness. “Don’t worry, I tried entering my phone number too. Of course it says Error: You must enter a valid email address. ” Excelsior!

Marc Würth posts practically parodically “Scott Adam’s Dilbert website gave an error on the strip for today. But it could find one for this other day…”. I was unable to reproduce this behavior, perhaps because the servers

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