Error’d: Pure Poetry

This post was originally published on this site

The Daily WTF

Abandoning alliteration, the column this week is experimenting with consonance. Next week, perhaps we’ll see how everyone feels about assonance.

Job-hunter Despreately Looking for Internship shared this job posting, writing “AMD Job Lsiting forgot to add in the deatils”. Seems like a pretty easy job to perform; Mx. Des should apply.

Rosti fan Stefan Pletosu (and who isn’t?) uncovers a subtler substitution error that Mx. Despreately missed. “Why would they call me a lead? I’m just a junior” he humbly demurs.

Dislocated Lincoln figures “Someone needs to go back to school and study maths.”

Nanoscale philanthropist Adam R. references my favorite derived unit in this headscratcher. “I made a $50 donation plus fees, and in fact that’s what my credit card was charged, but my PayPal activity statement seems to think I only made a 5 millicent donation.”

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