The Daily WTF
Slow news week at Error’d, so we’re dusting off a couple of submissions from earlier. That last one’s a beauty, eh?
Special Dave flexes “Got my annual request for a donation to Habitat for Humanity. Not sure if their new URL is meant to convey just how special I am as a donor, or if someone was goofing off with a test for formatting the form and forgot to change before their production run.” We love you too, sweet cheeks.
Moody Nicola is having an existential crisis. “MY laptop is not even remotely trying to help!” she writes. “Luckily we’re already in the second half of the month; I’ll be so happy to start anew. Hoping to get a bit more optimism from macosx.”
Jinpa encountered this one at a semi-fancy hotel (dig the slick ice bucket!) Somehow I feel like we’ve run
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