Error’d: Time For (a cool change)

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The Daily WTF

Without much ado, five minidoozies follow.

If it isn’t one thing it’s another, for our regular Argle Bargle. “I looked outside. Everything was soggy and I could hear claps of thunder. How long will it last? Click on weather and… um… Fire Weather? I can think of only one way I’m getting a fire going in my backyard right now and it involves a flamethrower.” It’s better than tornadoes!

In the unending time wars, the U.S. Postal Service has struck a blow in Mouseville. An anonymous character tipped us off, noting “It’s pretty impressive that USPS can prepare a shipping label in the future.”

Meanwhile, new-nymed unity noticed “Airline schedules have the useful feature of telling you when a flight continues onto the following day or the day after with a +1 day or +2 days notation. Unfortunately, this airline has run into a bit

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