Playing a Role

This post was originally published on this site

The Daily WTF

Initech’s latest offering, IniPrints, was a secure automation system for document management. The target audience was the banking industry, which meant that the system was sold as having robust and fine-grained role-based access control systems. As far as any one could tell, that was exactly what Initech was shipping, which meant IniPrints gained a reputation within IniTech as being a “good product”, with “low maintenance”.

When Alan was assigned support on IniPrints, he expected it to be pretty quiet. So he was surprised when three of the veterans of the project, Carole, Larry, and Arthur desceded on his cube with grim tidings.

“We’ve got some concerns about IniPrints. You should probably take a deeper look at the code.”

With that ominious warning, the Fates vanished back into the cube farm. The trio had migrated from development to technical sales support roles, which meant they mostly interacted with customers anymore. They

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