The Compliance Ropeway

This post was originally published on this site

The Daily WTF

“So, let me get this straight,” Derrick said. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath while massaging his temples before letting out an exasperated sigh. “Not a single person… in this entire organization… is taking ANY responsibility for Ropeway? No one is even willing to admit that they know anything about this application…?”

The Operations team had grown accustomed to their new director’s mannerisms and learned it’s just better to stay silent and let Derrick think out loud. Afterall, no one envied his job or his idealistic quest for actual compliance. If had he been at the bank as long as his team had, Derrick would have learned that there’s compliance… and then there’s “compliance.”

“But we figured out that Ropeway somehow automatically transfers underwriting overrides from ISAC to AppPortal?” Derrick paused to collect his thoughts before a lightbulb went off. “Wait, wait. Those systems are both covered

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