The Daily WTF
“The auditors have finished examining our codebase.”
That was how Randy’s boss started the meeting, and she delivered the line like a doctor who just got the tests back, and is trying to break the news gently.
After someone in another department did the whole “I found a thumb drive in the parking lot, let me plug it into my work laptop!” thing, management realized that they hadn’t done any kind of security evaluation in years, and brought in a bunch of highly paid consultants to evaluate their practices. Part of that meant doing audits of their software portfolio for compliance with the new security standards.
Now, Randy’s boss was running a cross-functional meeting- developers, operations, and even a few support desk representatives, to review the audit results. Most of the hits they took on the audit were the kind of slipshod stuff that accrues over years of under-budgeted, over-specced
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