Too Many Red Flags

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The Daily WTF

Fresh out of university, Remco accepted a job that allowed him to relocate to a different country. While entering the workforce for the first time, he was also adjusting to a new home and culture, which is probably why the red flags didn’t look quite so red.

The trouble had actually begun during his interview. While being questioned about his own abilities, Remco learned about Conglomcorp’s healthy financial position, backed by a large list of clients. Everything seemed perfect, but Remco had a bad gut feeling he could neither explain nor shake off. Being young and desperate for a job, he ignored his misgivings and accepted the position. He hadn’t yet learned how scarily accurate intuition often proves to be.

The second red flag was run up the mast at orientation. While teaching him about the company’s history, one of the senior managers proudly mentioned that Conglomcorp had recently

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