
This post was originally published on this site

The Daily WTF

Twenty years out, people have a hard time remembering that Y2K was an actual thing, an actual problem, and it was only solved because people recognized the danger well ahead of time, and invested time and effort into mitigating the worst of it. Disaster didn’t come to pass because people worked their butts off to avoid it.

Gerald E was one of those people. He worked for a cellular provider as a customer service rep, providing technical support and designing the call-center scripts for providing that support. As 1999 cranked on, Gerald was pulled in to the Y2K team to start making support plans for the worst case scenarios.

The first scenario? Handling calls when “all phone communication stopped working”. Gerald didn’t see much point in building a script for that scenario, but he gamely did his best to pad “we can’t answer the phones if they don’t ring” into

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