CodeSOD: Unaccountable Counting

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The Daily WTF

Ulvhamne sends us some bad code that, well, I think at this point we should really coin a name for this particular anti-pattern.

@Override public int getNumOfItemsInDataContainer(int parDataId) { int numberOfItems = 0; for (Integer x : myTransactionDataContainerMap.keySet()) { numberOfItems ++; } return numberOfItems; }

This C# function wants to get the number of items contained in a dictionary. To do that, it iterates across the set of keys, and increments a counter. This is instead of using the size field that’s part of the dictionary container.

This one adds a lovely bonus of taking a parameter parDataId, and doing nothing with it.

Marking the parameter as par is an example of so-called “Apps Hungarian”, where the prefix is meant to represent the “logical” datatype or purpose of the variable- semantic information, instead of type information. While marginally better than iDataId, I still hate it. Also, if your

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