Error’d: Monday Monday

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The Daily WTF

Joshua O. repeats “Looks like this week will really be a case of the Mondays!”

Regular reader Argle Bargle reiterates “I know MSN is trying to use an AI to filter inappropriate comments. (See my comment about AI really SI = Simulated Intelligence.) The Daily WTF at least has Real Intelligence, so this is a plus. Disqus seems to do better letting the community monitor. But I’m left with laughing at a powerful entity (MSN) that just seems overly confused. Attached is my latest. Switch under for over and it works. The original generates a ‘something went wrong’ message, but participants have already figured out what’s really happening. I suppose the daily WTF shouldn’t do repeats like this, but IMHO, such a big organization needs mocking for such garbage on a perpetual basis.”

Coincidentally, commenter Robert A. complains “I gave up posting

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